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19 April 2006
EBG — Electronics Buyers' Guide
Featured articles
Team wins international recognition for PC/104-based test invention
New process builds electronic function into optical fibre
Bluetooth adopts faster radio technology
New era of cellular competion expected with MNP
World's first transparent integrated circuit created
Agilent reveals new wireless offerings
Electronics News Digest
Networked consumer electronics and hardware revenue to rocket
Wavecom acquires Sony Ericsson's M2M business
SA electronics companies profile: Denel Eloptro
Technical Literature
Arcol: Exceeding expectations
Mobile Computers
New website: PEM Technologies
OKW Enclosure Products
Thermal Imaging Literature
Tyco Electronics help for Pb-free
Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI
8-channel high voltage analog switches
New package for clock oscillator with embedded crystal
Speaker amplifier features analog volume control
Touch sensor chip combines scrolling functions with up to six independent keys
Circuit & System Protection
Test adapters for lightning protectors
Computer/Embedded Technology
2-port RS422/485 PCI communication controllers
Advanced embedded motherboard based on Intel Core Duo processors
EPIC specification 2.0 accepted
Geode-based PC/104 module brings high performance operation to its product class
High performance industrial ATX motherboard
PMC adapter provides four independent RS232s
Tomorrow's single board computers today
Wireless Profibus communications also failsafe
Design Automation
Development tools for Atmel and Philips microcontrollers
Software enables Sanken switching power supply designs
DSP, Micros & Memory
32-bit ARM-based microcontrollers and embedded processors
8-pin microcontrollers for small cost-sensitive applications
ARM7-enabled fusion programmable system chips said to simplify real-world embedded designs
Clock and data management portfolio is expanded
Cutting energy consumption, running costs and time-to-market with smarter air handling
Fusion technology: the era of the programmable system chip
Integrated SoC for hybrid and solid-state instrument clusters
Internet software and hardware for 8051 microcontrollers
Microcontrollers optimised for small-scale, cost sensitive applications
Multichip package memory products combine NAND Flash and SDRAM
Multicore DSP chips break $1/GMAC barrier
Smart realtime clock for embedded applications
The three Ps of value in selecting DSPs
Unique technology automates embedded application development
1400-plus ball high density socket with heatsink
High speed connectors have increased current-carrying capability
High speed mezzanine connectors
High-rise dual-barrier strips save space on congested PCBs
PCI Express sockets
Passive Components
Additions to coilformer range
Bare element resistors
Comparators and antenna feed assemblies
New material for high-frequency circuit fabrication
Off-the-shelf transformers for PoE applications said to be highly efficient
Sample kit of ceramic capacitors
Power Electronics / Power Management
1 A Schottky rectifiers now in small flat lead package
15 W DC-DC converters
Charger IC for Xenon photoflashes
Epcos extends its design tools library for chokes
New line of 'smart' battery chargers
Smart rectifier IC cuts parts count
Switches, Relays & Keypads
Rugged keypad solutions
Ultra-sensitive Hall-effect switch with reverse output
Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT
Adapter connects any cellphone to booster antenna
CD-quality wireless speakers use Nordic RF chip
Miniature modules make wireless easy
Smallest FM transmitter module
V.32bis modem IC addresses 'need-for-speed'
Wireless gateway modules
Test & Measurement
Connectivity between logic analysers and oscilloscopes now simplified
PCI version of high dynamic range digitiser now available
Portable tester for 40/43G
Standalone 4-channel wideband amplifier
Universal panel indicator
Publications by Technews
Dataweek Electronics & Communications Technology
Electronics Buyers' Guide (EBG)
Hi-Tech Security Solutions
Hi-Tech Security Business Directory
Motion Control in Southern Africa
Motion Control Buyers' Guide (MCBG)
South African Instrumentation & Control
South African Instrumentation & Control Buyers' Guide (IBG)
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