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22 October 2003
EBG — Electronics Buyers' Guide
Featured articles
On the threshold of maturity, Bluetooth market comes into its own
ADEC 2003
Bekithemba acquires the business of Parsec Components
EBV-Electrolink enters into sub-agency agreement with Spectron Electronics
Poynting Innovations receives SPII Award
Vektronix gets gold at ADEC
Electronics News Digest
Innovative wireless monitor lets patients heal at home
Novel wireless headset uses magnetic communications
Technical Literature
10 Issues to Consider before Installing Industrial Ethernet
Arcol Power Resistor CD Catalogue
Bulgin Product Catalogue no. 80
Discretes and Standard ICs
Selection Guide - Small Signal Discretes
The real digital divide: Convergence and South Africa's telecoms and broadcasting policy
The Satel Catalogue
Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI
42 V MOSFET controller IC
Flexible 12-bit DAC offers 16 bit performance
Volatile digital pot a lower cost option
Computer/Embedded Technology
6U CPU board for the compact PCI market
Industrial PC without fan for high-performance applications
DSP, Micros & Memory
8-bit Flash micros get extended temperature rating
Microcontrollers optimised for universal remote control applications
Seen at ADEC 2003 - exhibitor feedback
Anti-static version of DIP IC pin straightener
Connector housings protect cables from EMI/RFI and ESD
Low profile IC sockets
PCB plug connectors for high currents
PXI backplane capability extended
Passive Components
High density Ethernet transformer solutions for backplane applications
Resistors boost working voltages
Power Electronics / Power Management
'Intelligent' power switches for automotive applications
1 A converter small and efficient
DC-DC converter without heatsink
Switches, Relays & Keypads
Miniature PCB-mount relays
Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT
2,4 GHz radio modem modules used on rotating drill
8-channel E1 short-haul line interface unit
A radio platform for fleet management
Alarm transfer radio modems
Easier walking for prosthetic leg wearers thanks to tiny transceiver modules
Evaluation kit for wireless RS232 datalinks
Fully-integrated IC forms complete wireless 2,4 GHz platform
Modem with compression unit makes video surveillance wireless
Modems and modules let you unwire your wireless imagination
Multichannel DS3/E3 and STS-1 LIUs
New 2,4 GHz RF transceiver chip launched at ADEC
New antennas for the wireless LAN market
Vehicle mounted masts
VHF transceiver modules offer longer ranges for bidirectional datalinks
Wireless innovation on demand
Wireless module includes GPRS and Java
Test & Measurement
PGA ZIF test socket
Publications by Technews
Dataweek Electronics & Communications Technology
Electronics Buyers' Guide (EBG)
Hi-Tech Security Solutions
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Motion Control in Southern Africa
Motion Control Buyers' Guide (MCBG)
South African Instrumentation & Control
South African Instrumentation & Control Buyers' Guide (IBG)
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