CST Electronics

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Flexible Stratum 3 timing card IC
14 May 2008, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

The new DS3102 from Maxim is said to be the industry's first timing-card IC to provide full carrier-class, Stratum 3 clock synchronisation for G.8262-compliant synchronous Ethernet (Sync-E) equipment. ...
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Fanout switch chipset for DVI and HDMI
16 April 2008, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

Maxim's new MAX3845/MAX4814E is a 2:4 fanout switch chipset for HDMI and DVI applications. In this two-chip solution, the MAX3845 provides switching, fanout, and cable driving for TMDS signals, while ...
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ZIF tuner for UHF-band MMDS systems
2 April 2008, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

Maxim has introduced the MAX2117 zero-IF (ZIF) tuner for UHF-band MMDS applications. This device receives QPSK signals in the 470 MHz to 1000 MHz range and down-converts them to baseband for demodulation. ...
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Triple-output step-down controller
19 March 2008, CST Electronics, Power Electronics / Power Management

Maxim's new MAX15003 is a triple-output synchronous step-down controller that delivers at least 15 A per output while maintaining excellent line and load regulation. The current limit, output voltage ...
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Network connectivity alternatives and trade-offs for remote monitoring and management of embedded devices
19 March 2008, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

Networking has become widespread in numerous facets of today’s business world and consumer marketplace. With innumerable types of devices and equipment waiting to send and receive information over a network ...
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Dual-channel current DAC
19 March 2008, CST Electronics, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

Maxim has introduced the DS4412 low-cost, dual-channel, sink/source current DAC. This I²C-controlled, 4-bit device features two output channels that are explicitly designed for power-supply margin testing ...
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World's first ZigBee Pro compliant module developed
5 March 2008, CST Electronics, News

UK ZigBee specialist Telegesis has announced that its ZigBee module product range has successfully achieved certification based upon the ZigBee Pro feature set of the ZigBee standard. The Telegesis AT ...
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Temperature-compensated resistor for APD biasing
5 March 2008, CST Electronics, Circuit & System Protection

Maxim's new DS1841 is a temperature-compensated resistor optimised for avalanche photodiode (APD) voltage control. This I²C-controlled, 128-position digital resistor utilises a logarithmic scale specifically ...
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Voltage sequencers with non-volatile fault registers
5 March 2008, CST Electronics, Circuit & System Protection

Maxim has introduced the MAX16046-MAX16049, 12-/8-channel, EEPROM-configurable voltage sequencers/monitors/marginers. These devices use unique non-volatile fault registers to store system voltage and ...
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Passive mixer for wireless infrastructure systems
20 February 2008, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

Maxim has introduced the MAX2029, a high performance, fully integrated, 815 MHz to 1000 MHz SiGe passive mixer. Designed specifically for 2,5G/3G wireless-infrastructure applications, it delivers an ...
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12-bit DAC ideal for CMTS
20 February 2008, CST Electronics, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

Maxim’s new MAX5881 is said to be the industry’s first 12-bit, 4,3 GSps DAC that can directly synthesise multichannel QAM signals in the 50 MHz to 1000 MHz cable downstream band. Offering excellent spurious, ...
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Bus transceiver eliminates signal-isolation problems
6 February 2008, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

The new DS3690 from Maxim is a 3,3 V, bidirectional CMOS transmission gate. Providing 26 independent channels that can be used for input, output, or I/O signal applications, this device is said to eliminate ...
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