Tempe Technologies

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more information about Tempe Technologies

Dual POL regulator
29 September 2010, Power Electronics / Power Management

The SC283 is Semtech’s new 1,8 A dual-channel regulator for point-of-load (POL) applications, combining two step-down regulators in a 2 x 3 x 0,8 mm, 18-pad MLPQ package. With integrated VID pins to enable ...
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New development board from Microchip
15 September 2010, Design Automation

Microchip’s new Microstick is a development board for dsPIC33F and PIC24H, providing a complete solution for designing with Microchip’s 16-bit PIC24H microcontrollers and dsPIC33F digital signal controllers ...
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Design considerations for embedded USB
1 September 2010, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

USB – Universal Serial Bus – is increasingly popular with embedded system designers as a general-purpose interface, especially for systems that must communicate with PCs or other computers. In part, that ...
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MCUs enable rich GUIs
1 September 2010, DSP, Micros & Memory

The use of icons and graphical menus is now accepted as the preferred method for implementing a user interface, be they image overlays for mechanical switches or ‘soft’ buttons on a touch-sensitive graphical ...
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White LED driver
1 September 2010, Opto-Electronics

Semtech’s new SC442 is a 10-channel white LED driver with an integrated 3 A boost power switch. The device is capable of driving up to 120 LEDs at up to 30 mA per channel and is packaged in a low-profile ...
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Microchip enhances touch sensing tech
18 August 2010, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

Microchip has developed technology which enables capacitive touch-sensing with a metal front panel. Building upon the success of the initial release of mTouch capacitive touch-sensing technology, the ...
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Energy harvesting development kit
18 August 2010, Power Electronics / Power Management

Microchip Technology has partnered with Cymbet to provide the customisable XLP 16-bit energy harvesting development kit. The kit includes a modular development board populated with the PIC24F16KA102 microcontroller ...
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Cascadeable serial EEPROMs
18 August 2010, DSP, Micros & Memory

Microchip has released a new, cascadeable I²C serial EEPROM device with pre-programmed EUI-48 node addresses. Also EUI-64 compatible, the 24AA025E48 enables designers to add MAC addresses to their designs ...
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Smoke detector ICs with alarm memory
4 August 2010, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

Microchip has developed Ion and photo smoke detector ICs offering alarm memory. The low-power RE46C162/3 Ion and RE46C165/6/7/8 photo smoke-detector ICs make it possible to quickly determine which detector ...
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Optimised LED lighting with small MCUs
21 July 2010, Opto-Electronics

Engineers and lighting designers have recognised for some time that a shift to LEDs as the primary light source for general lighting applications is just around the corner. Consumers, too, are beginning ...
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8-bit MCUs
21 July 2010, DSP, Micros & Memory

New from Microchip are the PIC18F ‘K90’ and the PIC18F ‘K22’ families of 8-bit microcontrollers. The ‘K90’ family is designed to drive large, segmented LCDs while consuming very low power. The family ...
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Resistive touch screen controller
7 July 2010, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

Semtech’s SX8652 is a low-power 4- or 5-wire resistive touch screen controller with an SPI interface. The device measures 1,46 x 1,96 mm and exhibits ±15 kV ESD protection. It supports the 5 MHz SPI serial ...
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