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more information about Electrocomp

High temperature electrolytic capacitators cut the size of harsh environment electronics
16 Feb 2000, Passive Components

A range of advanced high temperature electrolytic capacitors from BC Components means that designers no longer have to suffer the penalties of large case size, limited operating lifetime and high component ...
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High voltage aluminium electrolyte capacitors
16 Feb 2000, Passive Components

The newly developed B43560/580 Series with screw terminals is suited for high-voltage applications at temperatures up to 105°C. Manufactured by EPCOS, the use of new anode foils allowed up to 120% higher ...
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Aluminium electrolytic capacitors now in SMT
16 Feb 2000, Passive Components

EPCOS has extended its range of aluminium electrolytic capacitors with SMD versions to become a full range supplier of these components. The broad-based and diverse product range extends from large screw ...
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High temperature auto-insertable film capacitors
16 Feb 2000, Passive Components

BC Components offers a series of small, high performance, high temperature auto-insertable film capacitors ideal for use in lighting ballasts and HID lighting. With the addition of the MMKP 383 Series ...
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Shock and impulse-proof film capacitors
16 Feb 2000, Passive Components

EPCOS’s new advanced metallised polyester film capacitors (MKT), cast in a plastic case and with 4-pin terminals, are now available. These capacitors were developed for the automotive market and have ...
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Thick film chip resistors arrays
16 Feb 2000, Passive Components

BC Components offers a series of small, high performance, high temperature auto-insertable film capacitors ideal for use in lighting ballasts and HID lighting. With the addition of the MMKP 383 Series ...
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Innovative double-layer capacitors store high energy
16 Feb 2000, Passive Components

UltraCaps are innovative double-layer capacitors from EPCOS. They have an extremely high capacitance of up to several thousand farads and can thus replace smaller accumulators in many cases or efficiently ...
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Inductive components
16 Feb 2000, Passive Components

Bourns is offering chip resistors that it claims deliver high quality and stability. With three- layer contacting process with nickel barriers, leaching is prevented and it provides excellent solderrability. ...
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A System solution for cost-effective SMPS design
16 Feb 2000, Power Electronics / Power Management

Up until now engineers have always kept an eye on the driving factors for designing a new switching mode power supply. These are: EMC; heat generation; efficiency; system size and weight; system reliability; ...
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Electrocomp - your 'Partner in South Africa'
16 Feb 2000, News

Electrocomp is a well-respected, recognised market leader in the distribution of electronic components. Electrocomp was specifically origi- nated to serve the needs of the South African customer and the ...
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