Editor's Choice

Nomso Kana: From nuclear scientist to ICT entrepreneur

30 August 2024 Editor's Choice

A nuclear scientist turned enterprising trailblazer, Nomso is reshaping Africa’s digital landscape through her visionary venture, Simsciex Technologies.

In the bustling world of broadband infrastructure, where giants like Vumatel, Vodacom, Openserve and Telkom dominate the field, one woman is carving out her own powerful niche: Nomso Kana. A nuclear scientist turned enterprising trailblazer, Kana is reshaping Africa’s digital landscape through her visionary venture, Simsciex Technologies. Her story is not just about technology; it’s about resilience, passion, and a vision for a connected Africa.

Growing up in the heart of a quaint rural village in the Eastern Cape, Kana was affectionately dubbed the ‘Village Girl’. But this title wasn’t a label; it was a challenge.

“I was fascinated by science after I watched Star Wars. From there, I became interested in spaceships and teleporting, even though I had little knowledge of them. My parents, who were teachers at the time, recognised my aptitude for maths and science, which I have maintained to this day. They then supported me and helped me follow my dreams,” says Kana.

After graduating, she went to work in nuclear science, earning multiple awards for her excellence. While there she identified a shortcoming in the communications on campus and her devotion drove her to start Simsciex Technologies in 2014 to address the continent’s broadband infrastructure challenges.

Kana explains, “The idea for this company came to me while I was working as a scientist in the lab. I recall having to physically transport confidential reports between buildings, and it struck me as inefficient and potentially insecure. This experience highlighted the need for better technology solutions.” She continued, “I realised that if we had high-speed broadband on our campus, it would streamline our work and improve efficiency. That frustration with the limitations of our existing technology ultimately led me to explore the broadband access space, and establish Simsciex.”

Today, Simsciex Technologies is a growing provider of broadband technologies. It offers a wide range of services such as bundled Wi-Fi packages, broadband infrastructure, insights, and strategic business development solutions across the aviation, energy, and information and communication technology (ICT) sectors. Information technology support, hardware, security and training are also provided. But she admits that the road getting to this stage was not easy.

“There were many challenges early on. The biggest one was discovering that the ecosystem is so monopolised. You have to be smart in manoeuvring it to even get the first job. Our first job was deploying fibre for the City of Johannesburg. We were one of the small companies that did that, and we learned a lot,” she says.

As Kana tried to live up to her mission to bridge the connectivity gap, she discovered even more challenges. “I’m from a rural area, and my dream is for someone in a deep rural area anywhere on this continent to have the same internet speed as someone sitting in Sandton. The challenge with that, though, is that building this infrastructure is expensive. Our rural homes are spaced very far apart, meaning there are a lot of resources needed to connect everyone, but it’s a mission we fight to realise each day,” says Kana.

Simsciex isn’t just about delivering lightning-fast internet; it’s about revolutionising how we connect and interact online. The company’s mission goes beyond mere connectivity, blending its services with the entertainment and educational tools people crave, such as video-on-demand and e-learning platforms.

“The work we’re doing significantly impacts the economy,” says Kana, who also serves as a Presidential Commissioner for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“Take Kenya, for example. In 2009, Kenya started implementing ICT policies, and their GDP increased by 9%. This boost spurred numerous tech startups, making Kenya a leader on the continent.”

In South Africa, Simsciex is impacting rural and urban connectivity. They also offer quick-to-market solutions, such as Wi-Fi to homes, LTE, and fixed wireless broadband access, aiming to relax information and communication policies and improve connectivity in rural areas.

In fact, broadband infrastructure is paramount for South Africa’s economic growth. Studies have revealed that connectivity holds the key to unlocking opportunities, with a notable increase in employment rates of 7 to 13%.

According to Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, Mondli Gungubele, internet connectivity and penetration has improved from a mere 21,1% in 2011 to a staggering 79% in 2022, but there is still a lot of work to be done locally and across the continent. Thus, Kana isn’t targeting South Africa alone.

Simsciex already has its sights set on the rest of the continent, starting with Tanzania where they are exploring broadband infrastructure opportunities. This is critical as studies show that between 2010 and 2021, the internet penetration rate across Africa grew from 9,6% to 33%. There are still a lot of people not efficiently connected.

Kana and Simsciex Technologies are gearing up to fulfil her dream of providing high-speed access to all across the continent.

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