Design Automation

EDA software suite

22 February 2012 Design Automation

The Proteus Design Suite from Labcenter Electronics is an EDA tool featuring two main capabilities: PCB design and circuit simulation. The PCB design side of the package includes a shape-based autorouter, 3D board visualisation and industry-standard gerber file generation capabilities. The simulation side includes standard SPICE circuit simulation as well as microcontroller simulation capabilities.

Labcenter pioneered ‘embedded software co-simulation’, meaning that analog and digital electronics (such as microcontrollers) can be connected and simulated simultaneously. The software has a ‘build it in cyberspace’ philosophy, allowing an entire system to be built and tested on the PC, including microcontroller code, before any hardware prototyping costs are incurred. Various starter kit licensing options are available, which can easily be upgraded to more feature-rich versions of the software for only the difference in price.


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