High performance handheld optical tester 8 November 2000 Tektronix has introduced a comprehensive line of handheld or 'mini' optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) and optical power meter modules, and the NetTek Analyser, the control and display platform ...
New technology for performing optical communications test 8 November 2000 Tektronix has introduced digital phase analysis (DPA) into its OTS9000 family of optical test systems. The company says this is an innovative, best-in-market jitter and synchronisation testing technology ...
New series fully automated DC references 22 November 2000 Since Fluke's acquisition of the Precision Measurement Division of Wavetek Wandel Goltermann (Wavetek-Datron) the combination of the two companies has accelerated its shared mission of innovative product ...
Visual multimeter 22 November 2000, Major Tech The DMM740 is an innovative concept design in digital multimeters – a handheld oscilloscope with an autoranging true-RMS multimeter. The DMM740 is equipped with a large, backlit LCD display that shows ...
Logic analyser support for Pentium 4 and communications product development 22 November 2000 Tektronix has announced two new support packages for its TLA series logic analysers. The new tool sets, which, according to the company, join more than 535 processor and bus support packages already serving ...
Slow-motion camera available for industrial professionals 22 November 2000, Westplex Roper Scientific has introduced the Redlake Imaging MotionMeter, a handheld slow-motion digital video camera capable of letting one see, measure and understand high-speed processes. MotionMeter has been ...
Robotic PCB tester 22 November 2000 A robotic impedance test system is available from Polar Instruments for testing coupons and PCBs. The RITS500 uses time domain reflectometer impedance measurement technology. It can trace 28 and 50 W ...
The versatile Fluke 43 power quality analyser 22 November 2000 The Fluke 43 Power Quality Analyser is by far the most sought-after and versatile product around. This fully portable, rugged unit has received resounding accolades for its abilities to analyse power ...
190 Series Fluke scopemeter - a top product for 2000 22 November 2000 Spescom MeasureGraph's ScopeMeter 190 Series was designed to meet the needs of service professionals and electronic engineers involved in system integration of engineering, installation and second-line ...
Spectrum analyser for next-generation mobile communications systems 22 November 2000 Anritsu Corporation's MS2683A spectrum analyser is targeted at evaluating devices for next-generation mobile radio communications systems. According to the company this instrument offers a wide dynamic ...
Network problems? Clean up your power first! 22 November 2000 Now Spescom MeasureGraph offers a new way to see what is happening on your mains supply.
If you are experiencing intermittent network problems, do not automatically blame your system hardware. Many network ...
Solve common debug problems 25 October 2000, Concilium Technologies A 13-page application note from Agilent Technologies, 'Eight hints for solving common debugging problems with your logic analyser', provides valuable information for hardware engi- neers, firmware designers ...
Integrated OTDR and DWDM tester 25 October 2000 Wavetek Wandel Goltermann has announced what it calls the world's highest performing portable OTDR for fibre network installation and maintenance. The MTSe combines a universal platform with a wide range ...
Power line carriers maintained with selective level measuring set 25 October 2000 Faulty power line carriers of the high voltage direct current (HVDC) scheme between Apollo converter station outside Pretoria and Songo Converter Station in Mozambique could lead to a large loss of power. ...
Vector network analysers 25 October 2000 The ZVR family of vector network analysers from Rohde & Schwarz includes five models for all requirements. The series has a wide range of features that ensure versatility, speed and accuracy.
With a ...
Portable spectrum analyser 15 March 2000
The PSA-33A portable spectrum analyser is AVCOM's answer to one's downlink installation, service and maintenance problems, claims the company. Frequency coverage is from 1 to over 2100 MHz in two ...