Power Electronics / Power Management

Wide-Bandgap Developer Forum 2025

EMP 2025 Electronics Manufacturing & Production Handbook Power Electronics / Power Management

For many years now, Infineon’s Wide-Bandgap Developer Forum has been an exciting event, bringing together experts from the fields of SiC and GaN. The next chapter in this exclusive event will take place on 11 March 2025 and, this year, broadcasting of the specialist presentations will be done live from Infineon’s studio in Munich allowing everyone to join the proceedings.

To give designers the ultimate in design flexibility, the entire range of WBG power semiconductors will be provided including discretes, modules, and highly integrated solutions ranging from 40 V to 700 V for GaN and 400 V to 3,3 kV for SiC.

The event will be kicked off with the keynote speech by our division presidents Dr Peter Wawer (Green Industrial Power) and Adam White (Power & Sensor Systems) who will provide inspiring insights into market developments and Infineon’s WBG strategy.

For more information visit www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/promopages/wide-bandgap-developer-forum

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