Test & Measurement

When temperature matters

26 October 2022 Test & Measurement

Viral epidemics like SARS, MERS, swine flu or the current coronavirus/COVID-19 have created a worldwide demand for infrared cameras able to screen for fever conditions in humans. Instrotech, representing Optris in South Africa, offers an excellent solution. The Xi 400 and Pi 450i cameras are specifically designed for this application, delivering up to 40 mK thermal sensitivity and making it easy to discern elevated body temperatures.

As employees return to work after virus-related shelter-in-place regulations are lifted, it is critical for companies to ensure the health of their returning workforce is not compromised by workers who may have contracted a virus outside of the facility. The fever screening system can be used in different ways and application areas; individual scans of single persons or crowd-based screening of larger groups of people can be implemented.

The installation of the system includes the reference radiator and PIX Connect software, which comes with a predefined fever screening layout. The complete system can also be relocated if necessary and set up in minimal time.

When operational, the software connected to the scanner singles out the people whose skin temperature exceeds the predefined value. A visual alarm quickly identifies subjects who exhibit temperature increases, allowing security staff to validate internal temperature and discreetly examine the subject for additional symptoms.

Captured thermal images with temperature measurements can be stored whenever a temperature exceeds the preset threshold.

For crowd-based screening, the IR camera monitors a crowd of people at once or sequentially. Assuming that the majority of the measured maximum head temperature values come from healthy individuals, the exceptions with an elevated body temperature can be easily detected. The recommended products for this application are the Xi 400 or Pi 450i, with 29° or 53° optics providing a measuring distance greater than 4 m.

For use at control gates or where crowd screening is not possible, individual screening is used. From a closer distance, the exact temperature of the medial canthus (tear duct) can be measured, providing the strongest correlation between outside skin temperature and core body temperature. This method can also detect lower fever grades. The recommended product for this application is the Pi 450i with 29° optics at a distance of 1 m, providing a FoV of less than 4 mm.

The Optris temperature screening system is suitable for use in hospitals, airports, supermarkets and malls, railway stations, offices, lobbies and foyers, schools, universities, and warehouses.


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