Design Automation

3D simulation IDE boosts factory productivity

24 November 2021 Design Automation

Omron’s updated Sysmac Studio 3D Simulation integrated development environment (IDE) integrates and verifies the movements of robots and peripheral devices.

It can digitally reproduce an entire facility to verify the operation to the same accuracy as that of an actual machine. This helps companies to introduce new efficiencies to their processes and production capacity.

The IDE facilitates design through advance verification. It uses simulations that meet the need for rapid changes in production sites: shorter delivery times for equipment development, high-precision assembly and simultaneous start-up of production lines at multiple sites.

The new Sysmac Studio 3D Simulation can be purchased by simply adding optional licences for simulation functions to the Sysmac Studio programming software of Omron’s flagship NJ/NX Series automation controllers.

“Conventional simulators use dedicated software, which is expensive and requires specialist expertise. If the software is different from the controller, it’s difficult to match the simulation results with the actual machine operation,” comments Josep Lario, Omron’s EMEA product marketing manager for software, IPC and visualisation. This is the first IDE in the industry to control and verify robots and other peripheral equipment in a single operation. This enhances the efficiency of facility design and shortens the time needed to confirm the production capacity of the equipment, start-up and modifications.”

The main features of Sysmac Studio 3D Simulation are:

• Single software for motion, logic sequencing, safety, drives, vision and HMI.

• Fully compliant with open standard IEC 61131-3.

• Supports ladder, structured text and in-line ST programming with a rich instruction set.

• CAM editor for easy programming of complex motion profiles.

• One simulation tool for sequence and motion in a 3D environment.

• Advanced security function, with 32-digit security password.


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