Actum Electronics

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Rotary Encoder Catalogue
21 March 2012, Actum Electronics, Technical Literature

knitter-switch has published a new short-form catalogue dedicated to its range of rotary encoders. Six families are detailed: MER9 xxxx; MER11 xxxx; MERPS11 xxxx and MER12 feature a pushbutton function ...
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Actum installs ESD flooring at Grintek Ewation
7 March 2012, Actum Electronics, News

The installation combines an electrostatic conductive floor for the printed circuit board production area, as well as a static dissipative floor for the canteen and office areas
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AdvancedTCA housing platform
7 March 2012, Actum Electronics, Enclosures, Racks, Cabinets & Panel Products

Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture – AdvancedTCA – was the first specification for scalable network architectures (carrier-grade systems), standardised among manufacturers and applications, to employ ...
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Rotary Encoder Catalogue
7 March 2012, Actum Electronics, Technical Literature

knitter-switch has published a new short-form catalogue dedicated to its range of rotary encoders. Six families are detailed: MER9 xxxx; MER11 xxxx; MERPS11 xxxx and MER12 feature a pushbutton function ...
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Small TCXOs up to 100 MHz
22 February 2012, Actum Electronics, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

KVG’s new (VC)TCXO series TO-75000 offers frequencies starting from 40 MHz in the 7 x 5 mm SMD package. The parts provide frequencies up to 100 MHz and tight frequency stability options of ±0,5 ppm ...
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ESD floor coverings
22 February 2012, Actum Electronics, Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services

Many people do not know the difference between static dissipative and static conductive flooring. In order to understand what makes these two floor coverings different, one needs to first understand ...
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Connectors for electric and hybrid vehicles
22 February 2012, Actum Electronics, Interconnection

Rosenberger has developed the HVR range of high-voltage connectors especially for power transmission in electric and hybrid vehicles. The connecting system consists of connectors for current loads up ...
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Rotary Encoder Catalogue
22 February 2012, Actum Electronics, Technical Literature

knitter-switch has published a new short-form catalogue dedicated to its range of rotary encoders. Six families are detailed: MER9 xxxx; MER11 xxxx; MERPS11 xxxx and MER12 feature a pushbutton function ...
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Shielded filter windows
8 February 2012, Actum Electronics, Circuit & System Protection

Optolite shielded filter windows have been designed for electronic displays, combining a high level of electromagnetic shielding with excellent contrast enhancement. They are used to minimise radio frequency ...
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Rotary Encoder Catalogue
8 February 2012, Actum Electronics, Technical Literature

knitter-switch has published a new short-form catalogue dedicated to its range of rotary encoders. Six families are detailed: MER9 xxxx; MER11 xxxx; MERPS11 xxxx and MER12 feature a pushbutton function ...
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Anti-static chemical
25 January 2012, Actum Electronics, Circuit & System Protection

Staticide is an inexpensive, easy-to-use topical antistatic solution which provides a highly effective method of long-term static control. It is widely used in a broad range of industries, as well as ...
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Rotary Encoder Catalogue
25 January 2012, Actum Electronics, Technical Literature

knitter-switch has published a new short-form catalogue dedicated to its range of rotary encoders. Six families are detailed: MER9 xxxx; MER11 xxxx; MERPS11 xxxx and MER12 feature a pushbutton function ...
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