Dartcom SA

Tel: +27 12 345 7530
Email: [email protected]
www: www.dartcom.co.za
more information about Dartcom SA

MCX micro-coaxcial connectors:Further improvement in meeting modern requirments
1 March 2000, Dartcom SA, Interconnection

The Suhner MCX coaxial connectors are used in mobile and fixed telecommunications, in GPS applications and in test and measurement systems for testing instruments and other devices. They are designed ...
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Modular filter design increases production efficiency
1 March 2000, Dartcom SA, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

A growing number of customers buying filters and filter subsystems for mobile communications systems are demanding extremely short supply times, regardless of whether existing or entirely new applications ...
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Dartcom - a strong believer in quality and service
16 Feb 2000, Dartcom SA, News

Dartcom was founded in 1978, by Fanie Viljoen. At this time the company focused on the communications and air transport industries. In 1992, the strategic focus was altered, when Dartcom was appointed ...
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