CST Electronics

Tel: +27 11 608 0070
Email: [email protected]
www: www.cstelectronics.co.za
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High-speed USB protectors
31 October 2012, CST Electronics, Circuit & System Protection

Maxim recently introduced the MAX16919/MAX16969 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 automotive-grade protectors with iPod/iPhone fast-charge detection and USB host-charger detection for all USB gadgets. The protectors’ ...
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GNSS receiver module
17 October 2012, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

The new BD920-W3G from Trimble is a compact receiver and communication module featuring centimetre-level, real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning capabilities coupled with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and cellular ...
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ICs for industrial and automotive applications
17 October 2012, CST Electronics, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

Maxim has introduced five high-integration products for the factory automation and automotive markets to improve operating efficiencies and reduce costs. For factory automation and process control, ...
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Embedded device server
17 October 2012, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

Designed for quick integration with minimal engineering effort, Lantronix’ chip-sized xPico is an embedded device server achieving serial data rates up to 921 Kbps. It represents a compact networking ...
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Low-frequency LNA
3 October 2012, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

Micrel’s MICRF300 is a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with low-power shutdown mode, which operates over the 100 MHz to 1000 MHz frequency band. The device is targeted for low-power, low-data rate applications ...
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Implementing squelch in ISM RF receivers
3 October 2012, CST Electronics, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

This article provides a basic description of squelch and gives examples for how to implement it in an amplitude-shift keying (ASK)/on-off keying (OOK) or frequency-shift keying (FSK) system.
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Embedded Ethernet device server
19 September 2012, CST Electronics, Computer/Embedded Technology

XPort is a compact, integrated solution from Lantronix to web-enable virtually any device with serial capability. The device incorporates all of the required hardware and software inside a single embedded ...
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Digital ambient light sensor
5 September 2012, CST Electronics, Opto-Electronics

Maxim’s MAX44004 is a wide dynamic range, low-power ambient light sensor (ALS) for many light sensing applications in tablets, displays, accessories, medical devices and light management systems. The ...
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Pmod peripheral modules
22 August 2012, CST Electronics, Design Automation

Maxim has rolled out a collection of 15 peripheral modules which plug directly into any FPGA/CPU expansion port that follows the Digilent Pmod standard. Plug-in simplicity and easy software integration ...
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Serial RTC with NVRAM
22 August 2012, CST Electronics, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

The DS1308 real-time clock (RTC) from Maxim is a low-power, full binary-coded decimal (BCD) clock/calendar plus 56 Bytes of non-volatile RAM. Address and data are transferred serially through an I²C interface. ...
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Burst-mode laser driver
22 August 2012, CST Electronics, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

The MAX3710 limiting amplifier and burst-mode laser driver from Maxim provides a highly integrated PMD solution for GPON/EPON ONU applications in modules or directly on the ONU board. The low-jitter ...
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High-linearity VGA
8 August 2012, CST Electronics, Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI

Maxim’s MAX2092 analog variable-gain amplifier (VGA) is a monolithic SiGe BiCMOS attenuator/amplifier/error amplifier with an alarm circuit designed to interface with 50 Ω systems operating in the 700 ...
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