RFiber Solutions

Tel: +27 12 667 5212
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www: www.rfibersolutions.com
more information about RFiber Solutions

Ka-band power amplifier
26 June 2019, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

MACOM Technology Solutions’ new MAAP-011250 is a balanced 4 W power amplifier (PA) operating from 27,5 – 30 GHz, making it well suited for SATCOM and VSAT applications. With the addition of this new ...
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Multi-protocol router for transportation
26 June 2019, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

The F3938 router from Four-Faith is designed primarily to serve advertising applications for the public transport sector. Designed specifically for vehicle applications, it integrates 3G/4G/Wi-Fi communication, ...
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Power and control line filter
29 May 2019, Circuit & System Protection

Atlanta Micro announced a new product line of miniature power and control line filters named the AM35. The product range provides 6 filters in a tiny 1,5 x 3 mm package for filtering spurious signals ...
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pSemi announces next-gen UltraCMOS
29 May 2019, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

pSemi Corporation (formerly Peregrine Semiconductor), a Murata company focused on semiconductor integration, announced the release of UltraCMOS 13. The platform represents the next generation of the ...
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Broadband power amplifier module
27 March 2019, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

MACOM Technology Solutions has expanded its GaN-on-Si power amplifier portfolio with the introduction of its new MAMG-100227-010 broadband PA module optimised for use in land mobile radio (LMR) systems, ...
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Vector signal generator
27 February 2019, Test & Measurement

The G6 vector signal generator from Transcom Instruments can generate arbitrary wave, continuous wave, common vector, digital, standard wireless vector, standard radio and custom signals.    Covering ...
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S-band high-power amplifier
30 January 2019, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

The CHZ9012-QFA from United Monolithic Semiconductors is an S-band quasi-MMIC high-power amplifier based on GaN power bar and GaAs input and output matching circuits. It is fabricated using 0,25 µm GaN ...
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Handheld spectrum analyser
14 November 2018, Test & Measurement

Transcom Instruments’ SpecMini is an Android-based, handheld spectrum analyser featuring high testing sensitivity, light weight, compact size and portable design. Its performance characteristics meet ...
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Broadband SPDT RF switch
14 November 2018, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

Building on the established performance of its GaAs-based SPDT MASW Series switches, MACOM Technology Solutions’ new MASW-011102 is optimised for use in applications spanning test and measurement, electronic ...
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Wi-Fi front-end module
14 November 2018, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

pSemi has introduced the world’s first monolithic, silicon-on-insulator (SOI) Wi-Fi front-end module (FEM) – the PE561221. Ideal for Wi-Fi home gateways, routers and set-top boxes, this module uses a ...
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S-band high-power amplifier
14 November 2018, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

The CHZ8012-QJZ, made by United Monolithic Semiconductors, is an S-band quasi-MMIC power amplifier based on GaN power bar and GaAs input and output matching circuits. It is fabricated using 0,25 μm GaN ...
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S-band high-power amplifier
14 November 2018, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

The CHZ9012-QFA from United Monolithic Semconductors is an S-band quasi-MMIC high-power amplifier based on GaN power bar and GaAs input and output matching circuits. It is fabricated using 0,25 μm GaN ...
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