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An organisation on the verge of launching full-scale operations is providing experiential training to student interns while simultaneously hiring out their skills. But there’s more to Resolution Circle’s ambitions than simply becoming a vital new link between education and industry.
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Regardless of the level of technological automation that can be applied, people remain the most important element of almost every manufacturing process. In fact, while greater automation generally leads
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It seems to me that those with the least power are usually the most desperate to take every opportunity to exploit it. And so I sit now, of a summer evening, with no power at all thanks to Eskom. Typing
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We would like to take this opportunity to thank our readers and advertisers for their patience and faith in us during this period of unrest, and remain optimistic that things will be back on track come the new year.
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Thanks to tighter, more organic integration between the two, every page on the Dataweek site now has a direct connection to related products and services on the EBG site.
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When it is financially unfeasible (but not technically unfeasible, mind you) for innovators like this to make their products in SA, maybe we’ve already lost to China and the likes.
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In the end it seems the president was displeased with Carrim’s performance since he not only replaced him, but declined to find a new place for him amongst the new cabinet.
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Some exhibitors channelled the mystical allure of sweets to attract unsuspecting passers-by. Some used coffee. Dataweek even shamelessly went so far as to have a soft serve machine on its stand.
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Dataweek is offering readers the chance to win an MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC32MX1XX/2XX (DM320013) from Microchip. The kit is a complete hardware and software tool suite for exploring applications based
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We spoke to several key role players about the advantages and disadvantages of using open source versus proprietary operating systems.
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Dataweek and Microchip are teaming up again to offer readers the chance to win a PICDEM Lab Development Kit, which is designed to provide a comprehensive development and learning platform for Microchip’s
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Embattled Dina Pule is the Minister of Communications no longer. In his cabinet reshuffle speech on the 9th of July, President Jacob Zuma announced that she will be replaced by Yunus Carrim, the former
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