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From the editor's desk: A ray of sunshine
27 September 2023, Editor's Choice

On Monday morning, I was making my way very slowly across town to my office. The drive was – even by Monday morning standards, which is usually busier than other days with everyone trying to get an ...
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A renewed hope
26 July 2023, Editor's Choice

July has been a slightly more positive time for businesses in South Africa, and for engineers and technicians in the electronic engineering and manufacturing sector.
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From the editor's desk: A better option for our youth!
28 June 2023, News

Soon after the democratic elections in 1994, the South African government declared 16 June as National Youth Day, and June as Youth Month. This was done in the hopes of ushering in a new era which fostered ...
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From the editor's desk: Marvelling at the simple things
31 May 2023, Editor's Choice

Last month I had the opportunity to go away for a long weekend into the Gwahumbe Valley in Kwazulu-Natal. By midday on Friday, the car had been packed and we set off. With prior knowledge of where ...
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UWB technology is poised to take off
26 April 2023, Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT

Ultra-Wideband’s (UWB) precision and accuracy are what sets it apart from other location services, and with many large corporations leading the charge into research in this field, the technology is growing at a rapid pace.
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From the editor's desk: Good day from 25 000 feet
26 April 2023, Editor's Choice

Recently I was sitting, rather uncomfortably, watching the display on my phone showing me that I was at an altitude of around 8300 m above sea level and travelling at a speed of 911 km/h between Johannesburg ...
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From the editor's desk: The dawn of the age of AI
29 March 2023, News

As someone involved in both electronic engineering and information technology, I can only marvel at the level that ChatGPT-3.5 operated at with its human-like responses to the questions asked of it.
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From the editor's desk: The dawn of a new era in education
28 February 2023, Editor's Choice, News

During the recent holiday season, I was having a discussion regarding AI, and the conversation eventually found its way to the pros and cons of this relatively new technology. As with all new tech that ...
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From the editor's desk: The future is hopefully looking brighter
EMP 2023 Electronics Manufacturing & Production Handbook, News

After having some time off over the Christmas period, without any deadlines to attend to, I managed get away to a bushveld hideaway. No cellular signal, no electricity, filtered water directly from ...
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From the editor's desk: A tumultuous year draws to a close
23 November 2022, News

As the year starts to draw to a close, and people are still frantically rushing around trying to accomplish what they had in mind at the start of it, I can look back at 2022 with a mixture of emotions.  ...
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From the editor's desk: Living the movie ‘Groundhog Day’
26 October 2022, News

Have you ever woken up to a beautiful, bright and sunny South African day, and after drinking a cup of coffee while perusing the morning news headlines, had that distinct feeling of déjà vu? Well, this ...
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From the editor's desk: Our engineering heritage
28 September 2022, News

While heritage may mean many different things to people from different cultural backgrounds, the topic got me thinking about South African heritage from an engineering point of view.
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