Microtronix Manufacturing

Tel: +27 11 792 5322/3
Email: [email protected]
www: www.microtronix.co.za
more information about Microtronix Manufacturing

Microtronix gearing up for success
5 August 2009, Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services

In 2006, Microtronix set up a separate division that was purely dedicated to small volume runs and for prototyping. The division is manned by a small team of people whose sole function is to turn small ...
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What we must do to compete globally - a contract manufacturer's perspective
23 July 2008, Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services

It is becoming more and more important that South African electronics companies are going to have to start to compete more actively in the global market.    Our customers and we ourselves at Microtronix...
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SA electronics companies profile: Microtronix
25 July 2007, News

Microtronix has a history dating back to 1993 when it was established by Mike Goodyer as an electronics contract manufacturing business. From a small beginning, the company has successfully grown significantly ...
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Local contract manufacturer sets up prototyping department
26 July 2006, News

Getting prototypes out of most production houses has always been a challenge - as most engineers will confirm. The problem is that most companies are able to produce prototypes and smaller runs fairly ...
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Case story: Microtronix' first lead-free production run
26 July 2006, Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services

'Lead-free' is finally upon us. Microtronix is starting to get enquiries on a daily basis as to our current lead-free capabilities so the time has clearly come for us to stop talking about it and actually ...
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Turnkey electronics manufacturer is world-class
24 August 2005, News

Microtronix Manufacturing (Microtronix) has a history dating back to 1993 when it was established by Michael and Louise Goodyer as an electronics contract manufacturing business. From small beginnings ...
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Microtronix Manufacturing - world-class turnkey electronics contract manufacturer
23 February 2005, Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services

Microtronix Manufacturing (Microtronix) has a history dating back to 1993 when it was established by Michael and Louise Goodyer as an electronics contract manufacturing business. From a small beginning ...
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