Microchip's MCP201 LIN bus interface transceiver provides an integrated voltage regulator, eliminating the need for an external regulator IC. In addition, its industry standard pin assignment makes it a drop-in replacement in existing designs. The compact 8-pin device features an on-board 5 V voltage regulator (±5%) with a maximum output current of 50 mA and has the capability to provide higher current output capability with an external series pass transistor. It supports a baud rate up to 20 kbaud and is available in an extended temperature range (-40 to +125°C). The device provides thermal and short circuit protection as well as protection against loss of ground and load dumps up to 40 V. CPU, bus activity, and local wake-up features are also included.
Created as a low-cost, short distance, low-speed network for automotive subsystems, the LIN protocol has also found uses in the industrial and appliance market providing lower system cost and improved reliability since only three wires are used to connect multiple nodes. MCP201 is offered in 8-pin SOIC package.
For more information contact Avnet Kopp, 011 809 6100, Memec SA, 021 674 4103, Tempe Technologies, 011 452 0530.
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