The SIM20 from SimCom is a half-duplex, multichannel low-power wireless communication module.
It includes a high-speed microcontroller and high-performance RF chip, ensuring that it has high receiving sensitivity, programmable transmitting power and high data rate. It supports transparent date transfer without complex configuration, with UART (CMOS/TTL), RS232, RS485, I²C/SPI and ADC interfaces.
The SIM20 supports peer-to-peer as well as broadcast transmission, and operates in the 433–434,79 MHz, 863–870 MHz and 902–928 MHz frequency bands. It utilises the 2GFSK modulation scheme and is capable of transmitting data over distances up to 1000 metres at a data rate of 1200 bps. Transmit power is 20 mW (adjustable in 10 steps), while receive sensitivity is -115 dBm at 1200 bps. Current consumption is 5 μA in sleep mode, while the receiver consumes 28 mA and the transmitter 35 mA at 10 dBm. The maximum data rate for both the air and interface is 115,2 Kbps.
The module has an input voltage range of 3,3 to 5,5 V. It measures 40 x 20 x 2,8 mm and operates over the temperature range from -20°C to 70°C.
Typical applications include wireless sensors, remote control/security systems, wireless metering, wireless medical telemetry service (WMTS), keyless entry, home automation, and process and building control.
For more information contact Barry Culligan, Otto Marketing, +27 (0)11 791 1033.
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