Semtech has announced the SC414 and SC424, two small 6 A, 28 V point-of-load voltage regulators, capable of efficiencies up to 96%. The devices have a wide input voltage range of 3 V to 28 V and the fixed 5 V LDO can be used to provide the power for the gate drive bias, allowing the part to operate from a single rail. For optimum efficiency, the internal crossover circuitry bypasses the LDO after startup, if the LDO and buck outputs are the same. Pseudo fixed frequency adaptive on-time control gives the part excellent transient response and reduces the output filter capacitance required. Selectable ultrasonic power save for the SC414 allows the device to operate in discontinuous conduction mode at light load conditions, saving quiescent current, while limiting the ‘floor’ frequency to avoid audible noise. The SC424 has regular power save with no floor frequency, for maximum light-load efficiency.
Wine farm turns to solar installation for power Current Automation
Power Electronics / Power Management
Slanghoek Wine farm opted into a power purchase agreement to lower overall electricity costs and enter a true sustainable future, with a price-competitive edge on lower running costs.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
The RACPRO1 family of PSUs supports a universal DC input voltage range from 430 to 850 V DC, allowing the parts to support renewable energy and microgrid applications.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
Infineon’s TDA38807 and TDA38806 are their highest density high-efficiency integrated point-of-load (IPOL) solutions for smart enterprise systems.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
Gaia Converter’s quarter-brick series DC-DC power modules provides output power levels ranging from 75 to 250 W in fixed output voltages.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
Power Integrations has introduced a new member of its InnoMux-2 family of single-stage regulated multi-output offline power supply ICs, the industry’s first 1700 V gallium nitride switch.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
SynQor’s ruggedised AC-DC and DC-DC converters and filters are designed for a wide range of industrial applications, including those required to withstand harsh environments.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
RECOM’s REDIIN120/240/480 series of AC-DC converters perfectly corresponds with customer needs by exhibiting high efficiency and low energy consumption at no load.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
Infineon’s OptiMOS 7 100 V is offered in the company’s versatile and robust, high-current SSO8 5 x 6 mm2 SMD package.