A wide common mode input voltage range, from ground to within 2 V of the supply voltage, ensures that the ZXCT1050 current monitor from Zetex will continue to provide accurate current measurement even if the load is short circuited. Its current output topology and very low offset voltage increase its versatility and allow it to be optimised for low in-line voltage drop. Able to operate on both high and low sides of the load, the monitor supports dynamic output current limitation circuits in a broad range of applications, from power supply bricks to motor control circuits. The ZXCT1050 translates the voltage across an external sense resistor into an accurate proportional output current. Since the monitor's voltage gain is programmable - accurately set using two external resistors - designers can select the sense resistor value to achieve the best compromise between accuracy and power dissipation. At 50 μA, the quiescent current is also 10 times less than that of larger packaged alternatives, providing an improvement in overall power efficiency. The monitor is offered in the compact SOT23-5 format and will operate over an extended industrial temperature range from -40°C to 125°C.
Ryzen-based computer on module Altron Arrow
SolidRun announced the launch of its new Ryzen V3000 CX7 Com module, configurable with the eight-core/16-thread Ryzen Embedded V3C48 processor.
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DSP, Micros & Memory
Pairing the powerful i.MX8M Plus System on Module (SoM) from SolidRun, which features the i.MX 8M Plus SoC from NXP, this high-performance SBC is set to transform industrial environments.
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DSP, Micros & Memory
NXP has introduced its new i.MX 94 family, which contains an i.MX MPU with an integrated time-sensitive networking (TSN) switch, enabling configurable, secure communications with rich protocol support in industrial and automotive environments.
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DSP, Micros & Memory
NXP has released its MCX A14x and A15x series of all-purpose microcontrollers which are part of the larger MCX portfolio that shares a common Arm Cortex-M33 core platform.
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Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT
Fibocom unveiled its MA510-GL (NTN), a non-terrestrial networks module which is compliant with 3GPP Release 17 standard.
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Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT
The Telit Cinterion cellular LPWA module will enable satellite data communication using the NB-IoT protocol, without any special hardware changes required for the integration of the cellular module in the customer application.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
Slanghoek Wine farm opted into a power purchase agreement to lower overall electricity costs and enter a true sustainable future, with a price-competitive edge on lower running costs.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
The RACPRO1 family of PSUs supports a universal DC input voltage range from 430 to 850 V DC, allowing the parts to support renewable energy and microgrid applications.
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Power Electronics / Power Management
Infineon’s TDA38807 and TDA38806 are their highest density high-efficiency integrated point-of-load (IPOL) solutions for smart enterprise systems.
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DSP, Micros & Memory
The ADXL357 and ADXL357B from Analog Devices are digital outputs, low noise density, low 0 g offset drift, low power, three-axis accelerometers with selectable measurement ranges.