ON Semiconductor has introduced a new line of high-voltage MOSFETs. The 600 V devices extend the company's simplified power supply design solutions for applications including switch mode power supplies, PWM motor controls, converters and bridge circuits. With this addition, the company now offers a single source for all significant active components for power supply design.
The new NTD4N60, NTP6N60 and NTP10N60 feature high current ratings of up to 10 A and RDS(on) as low as 0,75 Ω at 10 V. These devices use ON's superior planar TMOS7HV technology, which allows operation in demanding applications. Their very low gate charge reduces driver loss, enabling higher efficiency than conventional technologies. The avalanche energy ratings on these devices also offer robust operation in power supply applications.
ON Semiconductor plans to introduce 500-800 V HVMOS devices by the end of the year.
Complete power solutions
The introduction of high voltage MOSFETs enhances ON Semiconductor's comprehensive portfolio for the power factor correction and switch mode power supply stages of power supply designs. Included in these solutions are energy efficient power conversion controllers such as the NCP1650 and NCP1217, a wide variety of rectifiers with various current and voltage ratings, and the new 600 V MOSFETs. When implemented together these devices can deliver a highly efficient and significantly simplified power supply design.
The NCP1650 PFC controller minimises power consumption and EMI. This device delivers true power limiting, fast transient response and tighter frequency control compared to competitive devices, according to the company. The NCP1217 is a PWM controller that offers superior current mode control in a miniature S08 package. This device features extremely low no-load standby power consumption and enables design flexibility with fixed frequency versions at 65, 100 and 133 kHz.
Design software
To further assist design engineers with the implementation of power supply designs, ON Semiconductor offers ON Power Designer, a complementary power supply design, analysis and simulation software developed by Ridley Engineering. Powered by a customised version of POWER 4-5-6 Plus - one of the industry's most comprehensive design software - it enables successful first-pass design of complete power supplies for systems that support input levels of 85 to 260 V. This software is ideal for development of active and standby power supplies for computing, LCD monitors, battery chargers, wall adapters, household appliances and many other applications requiring custom power solutions.
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