Power Electronics / Power Management

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Switching regulators with increased power density
25 October 2000
Omnirel, an International Rectifier company, has introduced four high-efficiency, low-voltage switching regulators in plastic packages that it claims economically increases power density for select commercial, ...

DC/DC controller operates from 1,8 to 20 V
25 October 2000
Linear Technology's LT1619; a current-mode step-up DC/DC controller designed for a wide range of SEPIC, flyback and isolated power supplies, uses a lower value of sense resistor compared to other solutions, ...

20 W nonisolated, point-of-load, DC-DC converter modules
25 October 2000, Vepac Electronics
Artesyn Technologies offers the SIP20C Series of 20 W high-efficiency, wide output trim range, single-output, open-frame, non-isolated DC-DC converters. As next- generation communications and networking ...

Reference source for power applications, designers and system integrators
25 October 2000, Vepac Electronics
Artesyn Technologies has posted the first four modules of a new power applications library onto its website (www.artesyn.com/html/technical_literature.html). The company plans to build this library into ...

+3,3 V smart regulator
25 October 2000, Altron Arrow
STMicroelectronics' ST72C254 is an 8 bit microcontroller with 8 KB embedded flash memory for home appliance, automotive body electronic and consumer goods applications. It can be reprogrammed up to 100 ...

A System solution for cost-effective SMPS design
16 Feb 2000, Electrocomp
Up until now engineers have always kept an eye on the driving factors for designing a new switching mode power supply. These are: EMC; heat generation; efficiency; system size and weight; system reliability; ...

Power inverters
16 Feb 2000
With the growing demand for portable AC power for recreational, industrial, mobile office and the many other outdoor on-site applications, Powerhouse Electronics, supplier of the ALLways Series of DC-AC ...

50-mA switched-capacitor power management IC with regulated output
16 Feb 2000
The AD8016 is a dual high-speed, high-output-current amplifier, optimised for ±12 V power supplies and equipped for flexible 'standby/shutdown' operation. This Analog Devices part delivers low-distortion ...

Dual ultra-low dropout regulator
26 Jan 2000, EBV Electrolink
EBV Elektronik is offering what it says is the extremely easy to use HCPL-772x (DIP-8) and HCPL-072x (SO-8) opto-couplers from Agilent Technologies. These devices utilise the latest CMOS IC technology ...

1200 V industrial IGBT family delivers improved high power electrical switching in power control circuits
26 Jan 2000, Altron Arrow
Rohde & Schwarz now offer the new mobile exchange MMX-64 which offers the benefits of both analog and digital radio exchange services. The MMX-64 is able to carry out the central control functions in ...


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