Electronics Technology

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Reference multimeter wins 'Best in Test' award
19 November 2003, Interconnection
Fluke's 8508A Reference Multimeter received the '2003 Best in Test Award' from Test & Measurement World magazine. The reference multimeter brings several calibration measurements into one box, has 8,5 ...

Intersil's 'Most Innovative Wireless Device'
19 November 2003, Altron Arrow, EBV Electrolink
Semiconductor Insights (SI) presented Intersil with its 2003 INSIGHT Award for Most Innovative Wireless Device for its PRISM Duette Dual Band, 802.11 a, b & g chipset. The innovative two-chip solution ...

AVR microcontroller evaluation kit targets low-power applications and is preloaded with demo firmware
19 November 2003, Altron Arrow, EBV Electrolink, Conferences & Events
The AVR Butterfly is a low-cost evaluation kit for the LCD AVR family of microcontrollers from Atmel. The kit was designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the first family member, the Mega169 Microcontroller ...

Omni-directional WLAN antennas
19 November 2003, Inteto Connect , Financial (Industry)
Poynting Antennas recently released two new omni-directional antennas developed for 2,4-2,5 GHz wireless LAN applications. The company developed two rugged vertically polarised omni-directional antennas ...

Transmitter chip includes MCU and ADC
19 November 2003, RF Design
In a unique design, the nRF24E2 transmitter has embedded 8051 MCU, 9 channel 12-bit ADC, and peripherals, to comprise one of the industry's most complete wireless 2,4 GHz ISM band platforms. This system ...

Single-chip FSK/ASK RF transceiver for narrowband and multichannel applications
19 November 2003
Chipcon is a leading provider of standardised and customised RF-ICs and is represented locally by Components & System Design. Less than two months after Chipcon released the award winning CC1010, said ...

Tiny integrated converter delivers 15 A
19 November 2003
The X3015P, a member of Power-One's maXyz family of DC-DC converters, is an exceptionally small device that uses a semiconductor LGA package and is ideal for powering intermediate bus architecture Point-Of-Load ...

Poynting wins industrial innovation award
19 November 2003, Inteto Connect , Information Security
At the 2003 Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII) awards ceremony, Poynting Innovations received a prestigious award presented by the Department of Trade and Industry in recognition of outstanding ...

Compact surface mount switches replace jumpers and wires on PCBs
19 November 2003, Products & Solutions
BCcomponents launched a family of devices that simplify PCB layout and manufacture by allowing designers to replace conventional jumper pin and wire arrangements with compact, reliable surface-mount switches. Measuring ...

New LabVIEW 7 Express cuts development time
19 November 2003
National Instruments released a major upgrade to the entire family of LabVIEW graphical development products. A culmination of four years of engineering effort, the new LabVIEW 7 Express is said to dramatically ...

Navigation-style switches designed for data entry
19 November 2003, Brabek
MEC's Navimec line of joystick style function switches is ideal for all kinds of data entry. This is a further development of the popular Multimec 3 A switch series that is highly reputed for its elegant ...

Microstepping motor driver IC has built-in translator
19 November 2003, Altron Arrow, Surveillance
Allegro's stepper-motor driver IC uses the company's 'EasyStepper' translator technology to provide microstepping (one-eighth step) operation for office automation, industrial and medical applications. ...

Innovative range of DMMs debuts
19 November 2003, Interconnection
The newly-branded Meterman range of test tools and accessories are specifically designed for today's electronics, test, field service and industrial applications. The new digital multimeter series offers ...

FPGA synthesis software optimises area so reducing costs
19 November 2003
Synplicity extended the timing-driven performance advantage of its FPGA synthesis software, Synplify Pro that offers users the ability to more easily optimise for area after their speed goal is met, potentially ...

High resolution temperature logger
5 November 2003, CST Electronics, News & Events
The DS1921H/Z Thermochron iButtons from Dallas Semiconductor are rugged, self-sufficient systems that measure temperature and record the result in a protected memory section. The recording is done at ...

Dual 2,0 GHz Xeon CompactPCI processor board
24 September 2003, Computer/Embedded Technology
The latest high-performance Dual Intel Xeon CompactPCI Single Board Computer from Concurrent Technologies is being offered by Systematic Designs, a value added-reseller and distributor specialising in ...

Realtime clock with software clock calibration
24 September 2003, CST Electronics
The DS1340 serial realtime clock (RTC), a low-power clock/calendar with software clock calibration, offers more features than the pin-for-pin industry standard, claims manufacturer Dallas Semiconductor. ...

Highest performance dual-axis accelerometer for low-g sensing applications
24 September 2003, Information Security
Continuing its market leadership in accelerometers, Analog Devices' ADXL203 iMEMS accelerometer is the first product in a new family of high-accuracy low-g sensors. By providing more than eight times ...

Alarm sirens
24 September 2003, Wiltron Agencies
Sonitron offers a series of electronic sirens (the SAS series) that comprises small and low weight piezo ceramic and electromagnetic models. The piezo ceramic models are specially used in applications ...

Projected capacitive touchscreens
10 September 2003, Surveillance
Zytronic is a specialist manufacturer of touchscreens, optical filters to enhance the performance of electronic displays, and transparent composites. The company's Zytouch touchscreen or touch sensor ...


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