Test & Measurement

Reliable contacting of large PCBs

28 June 2024 Test & Measurement

INGUN has released its new MA 2115, a larger test fixture kit for the reliable testing of large PC boards. With a usable area of 600 x 450 mm, the test kit can not only handle larger boards, but can also be customised to any testing requirement, thanks to the interchangeable kit system.

The installation space between the probe plate and wiring guard plate has been increased to 100 mm, and the basic unit also has a high housing which can accommodate additional electronics needed for testing. The housing is easily opened, thanks to gas springs. INGUN’s drive unit serves as the opening, closing and contacting mechanism.

Any excess heat generated from the electronics under test is drawn away through ventilation slots on the side panels, ensuring optimum air circulation. The basic unit has foldable handles for ease of carrying.

The test kit provides a contact force of 2000 N over its full useable area and can operate up to 500 000 load cycles under laboratory conditions.


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