The Owon VDS1022I is a low-cost 25 MHz, two-channel USB oscilloscope. With a shielded USB connection, interference is reduced, thereby protecting the host computer against over-voltage conditions.
Designed to be carried with you, the small dual-port digital scope has a mass of only 260 grams. However, it does not skimp on performance. The unit has a maximum 1 GS/s real-time sample rate and is capable of 10 million samples record length. With the multi-trigger option of edge, video, slope, pulse and alternate triggers, most waveforms can be easily detected.
Power requirement is less than 2,5 W and is sourced via USB. The maximum input voltage is 40 V peak-to-peak with a resolution of 8 bits over the two channels simultaneously. Acquisition mode is either sample, peak detect, or average, and various mathematical functions can be implemented on the waveforms in real time, including FFT.
60 MHz 16-bit AWG Vepac Electronics
Test & Measurement
Siglent’s SDG1000X Plus series function/arbitrary waveform generator offers a maximum output frequency of 60 MHz, 16-bit vertical resolution, 1 GSa/s sampling rate, and 8 Mpts arbitrary waveform length.
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Test & Measurement
TDK Corporation has announced the introduction of the TDK-Lambda brand GENESYS AC and GENESYS AC PRO series of 2 kVA and 3 kVA rated programmable AC power sources.
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Test & Measurement
The PeakTech 6215 is a laboratory power supply with four separate voltage outputs, each one infinitely variable using the rotary controls on the front of the unit.
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Test & Measurement
TDK extends its Tronics portfolio with the AXO314, a high-performance digital MEMS accelerometer with ±14 g input range for industrial applications operating under shock and vibration.
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Test & Measurement
Bosch Sensortec has introduced two new acceleration sensors, the BMA530 and BMA580, both offered in a compact size of only 1,2 x 0,8 x 0,55 mm.
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Test & Measurement
Online Teaser: Panasonic Industry’s laser sensor has a resolution of up to 0,5 µm, a linearity of ±0,05% FS, and a high-speed sampling of 100 µs.
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Test & Measurement
The PXN-400 from Harogic is a handheld spectrum analyser that covers a frequency range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz, with an analytical bandwidth of 100 MHz.
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Test & Measurement
The SA series from HAROGIC Technologies is designed as a compact USB real-time spectrum analyser using low SWaP principles.